Monday, March 2, 2009

Feeling Good.

My internal balance has been restored. For now, I really feel that I'll be just fine for once.

Thank you, Father.. for quieting my troubled mind and comforting wary heart.

word of the day:
vie v.intr.
To strive for victory or superiority; contend. See Synonyms at rival.
1. Archaic To offer in competition; match.
2. Obsolete To wager or bet.
[Short for Middle English envien, from Old French envier, from Latin invtreto invite, give occasion for; see invite.]

Well, isn't that amazing?  The etymology for the word "vie" suggests that it doesn't only mean to strive for something, but to invite.. 
So as I go on to vie for opportunity, I also invite opportunity.

k peace out. 

- xtina

(i'll be signing out with nicknames)

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